We encourage to check our events list, which can help to make your stay in Gdansk even more attractive.
- Walking around the Old Town
- Rest on the beach (Gdańsk Stogi, Sobieszewska Island, Sopot)
- Travelling by boat on Motlawa River (cruise to Hel, Westerplatte, Sopot and Gdynia) http://www.zegluga.pl/index.html
- Museum of the Second World War http://www.muzeum1939.pl/
- European Solidarity Centre Europejskie Centrum Solidarności http://www.ecs.gda.pl/
- National Musem in Gdansk Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku http://mng.gda.pl/
- Gdansk History Museum Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Gdańska http://www.mhmg.pl/
- Amber Museum http://www.mhmg.pl/oddzial/8/muzeum-bursztynu
- National Maritime Museum in Gdansk http://www.nmm.pl/
- Interesting selection of theatres, philharmonic, opera.
With children:
- ZOO in Gdansk Oliwa https://www.zoo.gda.pl/
- Hewelianum Centre http://www.hewelianum.pl/
- Experyment Science Centre http://experyment.gdynia.pl/pl/
- Gdynia Aquarium http://www.akwarium.gdynia.pl/
- Lighthouse sightseeing in Nowy Port
- Kolibki Adventure Park Gdynia http://www.adventurepark.pl/
A little further afield:
- The Malbork Castle Museum http://www.zamek.malbork.pl/
- Skansen in Szymbark with its “up-side-down house” http://cepr.pl/
- Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo – the former Nazi concentration camp http://stutthof.org/
- Hel peninsula (The Seal Sanctuary) http://www.fokarium.com/
We encourage you to check the calendar of events taking place in Tri-Cityhttp://gdansk.naszemiasto.pl/imprezy/